Friday, February 26, 2010

QCryptographicHash: code snippet

  When the guys developing Qt applications find themselves in such a case when they need to obtain MD5 hash of a string or an array of bytes, the first thing most of them do is try to use the already implemented 3rd-party libraries like libxcrypt, OpenSSL and others. The talented ones try to get the output of 'md5sum' command.
  But the 'true' way is to use built-in tools: not everyone knows that Qt already has QCryptographicHash class which can help us. Let's see how:

QString password("our super secret password");
QByteArray hashed_password_ba(
/* Now 'md5_password' var contains
*  md5-hashed our super secret password 
QString md5_password(hashed_password_ba.toHex().constData());

Very easy, isn't it? Apart from MD5, the class allows to generate MD4 and Sha1 hashes which may also be very helpful in some special cases.


  1. that is the shortest solution what i found and it works fantastic


  2. How do we do the reverse? An application should be able to encrypt a "string" via the above procedure and later should be able decrypt, too.

  3. @Amit: There is no way to decrypt it because hash algorithms supposed to be the only one way. You should use 3rd-party libraries or implement your own algorithm (e.g. via XOR :)).
